Dragon Boat Racing
Mountain Home started life as a dragonboat racing club. While our main focus now is outrigger we still like to race dragon boats when it works into the schedule. Here is a bit about our dragon boat racing.

Portland Dragon Boat Race 2023. Two crews, both made the final! 1st and 4th place over all. Here is the standard "orange shirts, blue medals, with dogs" team photo.

Portland Dragon Boat Race 2022. 1st place over all. Blue medals and dogs coming later.

It all started with the Portland Rose Festival Dragon Boat Races. We had not done that race in quite awhile so let's do it!
Way back in 1991 a few of the original club members where on the Kaiser Dragon Boat Rose Festival team. Mountain Home Canoe Club was started by some crazy paddlers that wanted to continue racing after Rose Festival Ended.
Mountain Home won the race in 2019, unlike the Kaiser crew in 1991. Below is the "orange shirts, blue ribbons, with dogs" photo.

Portland Dragon Boat Race 2017. 1st place over all, 1st open, and 1st in bridge to bridge.

Portland Dragon Boat Race 2016. 1st place over all, 1st open, and 1st in bridge to bridge.

2011 Rose Festival Final for the win! Hey is that Bob Stewart in seat one?
These photos are of local Portland races. Mountain home and it's members have competed in dragon boat races in Rovenna Italy, Vancouver, BC, Calgary Alberta, Lake Tahoe, Debuque Iowa, Los Vegas, Victoria BC, and Seattle to name a few.
Past and present club members have competed on USA premier crews and the club has competed in the world club crew. These big races require commitment and training but they are a blast. We keep talking about doing it again someday.